miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2023


 As a boy who born in the 2000 i grew up seeing classic series in the chilean tv, like Pokémon, Slam Dunk, etc, so i entered to the world of the anime and games when i was very young, my first game was Pokémon Red Fire in english so i have to try understand what the characters was telling me without knowing a bit of the language, and then, i passed my first game at the age of 7 in english.

I found easy the way of create the sentences, and i could make them correctly without studied the grammar rules before, so my nemesis is study the rules of the languaje because sometimes is very different in comparison to Spanish.

Out of class i practice my vocabulary almost every time because the online content that i consume is mainly in english, streamings and all the games or series i play and see, i put them on english, its a very comfortable way to me.

In our classes i really love all the dinamics and activities we have, its a very ludic way to learn and practice this language, my favorite part are the monday games when i can talk with the teacher because in my daily life i have no one to talk in english in person.

I think english is ultra useful, for obvius reasons like is the most universal language, no matter if you are in China or France there will be always someone who can speak english so its very relieving knowing that.

The english culture its interesting for me in the aspects of history and the way they built city, but in others aspects is not, just for personal prefferences i think there are places much more beautiful in other cultures.

2 comentarios:

  1. I realised you were a big gamer when I saw your computer chair in your video :) It´s a great way to learn a language.

  2. great way to start learning English with Pokemon!


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