domingo, 22 de octubre de 2023

A family member or a relative

 Today i´m gonna talk about my most loved and important family member, my little sister Isi, she born when i was 8 years old and today she is 15 years old, she is obviusly student and dont know already what want to do with her life but i will help her in anything she want, loves to make tiktoks and burgers. 

When she was about 3 years old i have an accident, and she was the one who find me in the spot where i was literally dying  haha, the doctor said that if i was there 15 more seconds i will not be here today.

She is jolly and smiley, smart and has good sense of humour, like to talk to all the people and take photos of all kind of things her included.

 Since she was a newborn we has a really good relationship, i take care of her and share time together, i comb and make her hairstyles, today i still combing her hair when im free and i like to do it always she ask me to do it.

Today we still being good friends, sending each other lots of tiktoks and playing with our dog Gaspi and i hope that never changes.

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Someone Interesting that you follow on Social Media

 Today im gonna write about someone interesting that i follow in social media and she is Daniela Pino, she studied industrial design but she...