miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2023

A Festival, Exhibition or Show You Saw

In my life, i don´t have so many opportunities to go or visit big shows or exhibitions, but i have about 6 that i remember very warmly, one of these was the presentation of "Los Angeles Negros" in the main square of Llolleo, it was a really planificated event so a lot of people knew that they was going to play their songs that saturday of january in 2017. 

I went with a friend and her grandma. Since i was very young i enjoyed very different type of music so i was really happy singing surrounded by all that ladies haha, i really like Llolleo and the central coast in general because the beach, the air and the chill vibes that brings to me, so this event was such an experience in my opinion.

The main square is the most centric and urban place in Llolleo who already is very small so all the comerce concentrates here and obviusly, with this event a lot of people who sells candies, popcorn, and all kind of food arrives to the presentation, so i ate all i wanted and went house with my friend, her grandma and her friends to finish the day with tea and conversations until going bed.

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Someone Interesting that you follow on Social Media

 Today im gonna write about someone interesting that i follow in social media and she is Daniela Pino, she studied industrial design but she...