miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

A little bit of Chile

 Today i will write about a place in Chile that i would love to visit again and i'm sure i'll do, this is Algarrobo, i'ts placed in the Región de Valparaíso, in the well knowed litoral central, the last time i went was about 1 month ago, im sure i will return because there is one of my best friend's house so with two more friends we always go in weekends and enjoy the days in family, because they with my friend's family are like my second family. 

We always go in car, sometimes drives him and sometimes me, we both worked together in his pyme driving and carrying trucks full of things to a enterprise, so we trust in the other with our souls and can be relaxed.

We always enjoy the days, playing, making food, or going to a rooftop we like, there is no day where we don't do karting or play some tennis, i love that because is already like a tradition in our visits.

I enjoy not because all the things we do, i enjoy this because all the feelings i experience every time i'm there, when i am talking with my friends, laughing, with a wine glass in hand i feel loved.

This pic was taken by one of our 4-friend group Pancho, we were returning home carrying Juanito who was killed by 4 rounds of tequila in the rooftop hahahaha, me (the one in the right) and my friend Lukas (the one in the left) are good because we drink recurrently and are strong dealing with the alcohol, but he's not an habitual drinker. The shots were really big, i think they confused shots with schops (did you catch the joke?), i attach evidence below, to take reference the lemons were normal size, not pica💀.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think is so happy when you have a party with friends

  2. What a funny picture of your friend defeated by the shots hahaha


Someone Interesting that you follow on Social Media

 Today im gonna write about someone interesting that i follow in social media and she is Daniela Pino, she studied industrial design but she...