lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2023

Something you enjoying doing outdoors

Today i'll write about a activity that i love to do outdoors, although studying geography and camping very often is not something I like very much, when thinking about things I do outside the home my most present thought is going to the cinema and theater, actually i frequent Normadie cinema and a variety of theatres since we started dating with my gf 8 months ago.

Normadie is placed in Santiago centro and the theatres we go too. I always liked this activities but sometimes it´s hard getting someone that wants to go with you to this kind of plans, about this, i love how this type of art transmits so strongly all kinds of feelings and i cry easily so i always end with my eyes wet haha, i did it last this weekend, we go to "macbeth a la mala" to the Bellas Artes anfitheatre.

I think this kind of presentacions or works are the equivalent to read a book, They cause people reflect and sometimes tell very important stories, question themselves and other sentations that are rarely experienced on a day-to-day basis. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Normandie was the first Chilean cinema I went to in 1996:)

  2. Wow I didn't know about Normadie cinema, is it smaller than other cinemas?


Someone Interesting that you follow on Social Media

 Today im gonna write about someone interesting that i follow in social media and she is Daniela Pino, she studied industrial design but she...